Marino Film Group GuestbookAdd a message : Marino Film Group : Search
There are now 106 messages in our guestbook.
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John Rossetti
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Keep up the fight Jack. Rossetti
August 26, 2001 - Lexington, MA USA
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Jack, excellent site! Its swashbuckling spirit, like your own, inspires. Best of luck on these endeavors---your tenacity will win out, as any Right thing must by its nature. Best wishes always, Randy
August 26, 2001 - Seattle, WA USA
Dan Delaney
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Great site Jack! Remember the words of Calvin Coolidge: 'Press on: nothing in the world can take the place of perseverance. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent'.
August 25, 2001 - Saugus, MA USA
Victor Alexander
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I drove 600 hundred miles last time to see "Forgotten Heroes." This time I hope I'll be in town doing pre-production on your next feature project, so I can see "Forgotten Heroes" in a theater. The movie belongs on the big screen. I'm looking forward to it.
August 25, 2001 - Hollywood, CA USA
Cesar Rivear
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August 24, 2001 - Paterson, NJ, USA
Lincoln Hurst
Jack, heartiest congratulations on your site! The Marino Film Group and the Brotherhood of Warriorfilmmakers deserves the best, and that's what this is - professionally mounted, and VERY VERY impressive! I especially enjoyed reading over your "declaration of principles." "Forgotten Heroes," of course, is a masterpiece - a film that deserves to be seen again and again. I know it will serve as the herald of all the other wonderful films to come, both from you and from your associates in the coming years. May your site grow and prosper as millions log on to it . Take care Pal, and the best of everything to you and your group!
August 22, 2001 - CA, USA
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